Base URL#
The base URL depends on the region where your system is hosted. When you request API Access, our team will share a Postman Collection with the Base URL applicable for your system, which will be one of the below:Authorization#
To ensure secure communication between your application and our API, you must include an authorization token in the header of each API request. The token allows our system to verify the identity of the requestor and grant access to the requested resources.To get the authorization token you will need the following tokens:Tenant Token: It's the token that identifies your company in the system. Can be found in Settings > Integrations > Api Token.
User Token: It's the token that identifies the user with the API. It can be generated in Settings > Users by opening the user's details (clicking on the full name) and selecting 'Generate new token'.
To authenticate with the API you have to generate and send in the header of the request an Authentication Token. To generate the authentication token you have to encode in base 64 the Tenant Token and User Token as it follows:generated_token = tenant_token:user_tokenAuthorization = Basic generated_tokenAfter getting your authentication token, include it in your request headers:Authorization: The key used to specify the authentication method.
Basic: The type of token being used. In this case, "Basic" indicates that the token is a bearer token.
{AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN}: Replace this placeholder with your actual authentication token, which you can generate or receive from our support team upon requesting API Access.
Modified at 2024-10-15 14:49:17